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The plugin is based on Twilio.
Twilio is a cloud communications platform as a service (CPaaS) company based in San Francisco, California
Twilio allows software developers to programmatically make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and perform other communication functions using its web service APIs.

Get started

To use the plugin you must have a Twilio account.
If you already have Twilio account you can skip this step and start with section Configure Twilio

# Create a Twilio account

How to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account

Follow the link above and complete only the first three steps.

  • Sign up for your free Twilio trial
  • Verify your personal phone number
  • Get your first Twilio phone number

# Configure Twilio

Go to the Twilio Dashboard. Open the side menu on the left.
Find section Runtime and navigate to the Functions.
Click on the button Create service
In the Service name field, specify any name you like and click on the Next button.
Click on button Add + and select Add Function

Create 3 functions with the following paths




Make all 3 functions Public.

In each created function, you must insert the corresponding program code.

Inside ZIP Archive you downloaded from CodeCanyon you will find a Twilio Functions folder with three different text files:




The contents of these files must be inserted into the corresponding functions and for each function, save by clicking the Save button.

Find section Settings and navigate to Dependencies
Add npm module libphonenumber-js
Go back to the service settings page and copy the domain name that Twilio has generated for us.
Open the side menu on the left and go to the Programmable Voice section.

Next, go to the TwiML Section.

Find and open the TwiML Apps subsection and click on the Create new TwiML App button


Name the TwiML App InTouchWebDialer.

Next, find the Voice block and in the REQUEST URL field, insert the domain name of the service that Twilio created for us. See step 11

Make sure the URL starts with https:// and ends with /call


After we have created our new TwiML app, we need to find and copy its unique SID.

To do this, find the newly created app in the list of all TwiML APPs and open it.


Copy the SID to the clipboard


Go back to FunctionsServices


Open the new service we just created and find the Settings section and navigate to the Environment Variables section.


Make sure the option Add my Twilio Credentials (ACCOUNT_SID) and (AUTH_TOKEN) to ENVchecked.

You also need to add a new variable TWIML_APP_SID with the value we copied in step #15.

Next, click on the Deploy All button.


After a successful deployment, you should see something like this in the console.


Next, you need to apply the settings to your phone numbers.

To do this, go to the Active Numbers section.


Open the number that you want to associate with our service.


Find the Voice & Fax block.

CONFIGURE WITH should be TwiML app.


In the TWIML APP drop-down list, select InTouch TwiML APP


Click Save

This procedure must be done with all the phone numbers that you want to associate with the plugin.

Plugin Installation


After a successful purchase, you will be able to download ZIP archive.

In this archive you will find a js folder with 2 javascript files.

  • iframe-transport.js
  • intouch-web-dialer.js
  • iframe-transport.js

    This file provides two-way communication between your web page and the embedded frame, in which the telephony plugin will be located.


    This file contains the user interface, all the logic for making outgoing calls, as well as for receiving calls.


    Below is an example of how to connect a plugin to an empty html page

                                                <!DOCTYPE html>
                                                <html lang="en">
                                                    <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                <div id="intouch-iframe-transport"></div>
                                                <script src="https://site.com/js/iframe-transport.js"></script>
                                                <script type="text/javascript">
                                                    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
                                                        IntouchTransport.init("https://site.com/js/intouch-web-dialer.js", {
                                                            "baseUrl": "https://intouch-web-dialer-[generated-id].twil.io"


    # Methods


    IntouchTransport.init(path: String, settings: Object)

    • path should contain absolute path to the intouch-web-dialer.js file.
    • settings it is an object of keys and their values. See the Props section below.


                                    IntouchTransport.init("https://site.com/js/intouch-web-dialer.js", {
                                        baseUrl: "https://intouch-web-dialer-[generated-id].twil.io"
                                    IntouchTransport.init("https://site.com/js/intouch-web-dialer.js", {
                                        baseUrl: "https://intouch-web-dialer-[generated-id].twil.io",
                                        allowIncomingCalls: true,
                                        allowOutgoingCalls: true,"
                                        showDialPad: true,
                                        canMute: false,
                                        'input.onlyCountries': ["US", "CA", "AU"],
                                        'input.disabledFetchingCountry': true,
                                        'input.preferredCountries': ['US']

    IntouchTransport.configure(key: String, value: Object)

                                    IntouchTransport.configure('allowIncomingCalls', true);
                                    IntouchTransport.configure('input.preferredCountries', ["US", "CA"]);

    You cannot use following keys in the .configure() method.

    • baseUrl
    • allowIncomingCalls
    • allowOutgoingCalls

    These keys should be specified only in the .init() method.


    IntouchTransport.setNumber(phoneNumber: String)


    This method will set the phone number passed as an argument and perform validation.


    IntouchTransport.setNumberAndCall(phoneNumber: String)


    This method will set the phone number passed as an argument and perform validation.

    If the validation is successful, the web plugin initiates an outgoing call.

    # Props

    baseUrl required baseUrl should contain absolute path to the intouch-web-dialer.js file.
    allowIncomingCalls optional default: true By default, the plugin can accept incoming calls. If you set this value to true, the plugin will no longer receive incoming calls.
    allowOutgoingCalls optional default: true By default, the plugin can make outgoing calls. If you set this value to true, the plugin will no longer make outgoing calls.
    showDialPad optional default: true By default, the plugin displays dialpad. If you set this option to false - the dialpad will no longer be displayed
    canMute optional default: true When this option is set to false, you cannot use the Mute/Unmute button.

    # Events (Coming soon ...)


    # Bug reporting (Coming soon ...)

    # Feature requests (Coming soon ...)

    # Credits


    Made with ❤ by Aleksey Boyko